
Friday 8 November 2002

Banned extremist party recruiting in Australia, Terror Hits Home: Repercussions, The Australian, 8 November, 2002.

Banned extremist party recruiting in Australia - TERROR HITS HOME: REPERCUSSIONS: [2 Edition]

John Stapleton and Patricia KarvelasThe Australian [Canberra, A.C.T] 08 Nov 2002: 7.
EXTREMIST Islamic party Hizb ut-Tahrir is actively recruiting members in Australia, despite being banned across much of the rest of the world.
Telling the story of Jaafar, one of the first converts to Islam, Mr [Sumaiya]/Doureihi concluded that Muslims, forced to live "in another land", were part of the international Muslim nation, the Ummah, "to establish Islam as a complete way of life, in total, without shortage or compromise".
Hizb ut-Tahrir condemned yesterday what it regards as misrepresentation in the Australian media, saying in an open letter published on the Islamic Sydney email network: "Rest assured we will not be diverted from our work of the truth path ... let the media run their circus and God willing our message of the pure Islam will filter through to the Muslims."

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