
Monday 15 March 2004

The battle scars of a Chief Justice, The Australian, 26 March, 2004.

The battle scars of a Chief Justice: [1 All-round Country Edition]

Louise Milligan, John StapletonThe Australian [Canberra, A.C.T] 26 Mar 2004: 2.
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As Alistair Nicholson prepares to retire with a farewell ceremony today, The Australian can disclose his battle scars come not just from disagreements with the Howard Government and parent groups, but also his own bench.
In 1993, he faced the three renegade judges who believed a decision to extend the retirement age of 34 sitting Family Court judges from 65 to 70, to bring them into line with other judges, was unconstitutional.
A spokesman for Attorney-General Philip Ruddock said yesterday three legal opinions found the move constitutional. The country's top constitutional silks, contacted by The Australian, agree, saying s.72 was designed to prevent governments from legislating to retire judges they did not like.

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