
Monday 7 August 2006

Critical mass targets Pell on condoms, The Australian, 7 August, 2006.

Critical mass targets Pell on condoms: [1 All-round Country Edition]

Stapleton, JohnThe Australian [Canberra, A.C.T] 07 Aug 2006: 5.
Aboriginal deacon Frank Cain received a standing ovation yesterday when he told the congregation he was proud to be involved in the painting of a mural a week ago, on one of the internal walls of St Vincent's, which marked an escalation in the conflict.
"We are not social workers, welfare workers, and we are certainly not a medical team handing out contraceptives and syringes, as Cardinal Pell bluntly states in The Australian. Neither are we extremists causing trouble, as Cardinal Pell again states in The Australian.
Father [Gerry Prindiville], criticised for his lack of empathy with the local community and with Aboriginal spirituality, led the mass yesterday morning but was forced to listen while his largely left- wing parishioners repeatedly condemned or questioned the church and its hierarchy.

Full Text

Copyright News Limited Aug 7, 2006

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