
Tuesday 22 May 2007

Caution: pork barrels ahead, The Australian, 22 May, 2007. Page One. Picture Alan Pryke.

Caution: pork barrels ahead: [2 All-round First Edition]

The Australian [Canberra, A.C.T] 22 May 2007: 1.
"Labor should tell the public which of the projects the Australia Government is funding (that) it does not support," the spokesman said. "It proves Labor just doesn't understand the economy -- the Liberal-Nationals Government is investing in our roads to ensure the future prosperity of Australia and to keep our economy strong."
The approved project was in the Liberal-held seat of Wannon, not in the Labor electorate of Ballarat. "Two were risk roads according to Vic Roads -- ones of high incidents of traffic issues and accidents," Mr [David Vendy] said. "You'd wonder whether it has something to do with the Labor electorate."
"I think the fact that it's a Labor seat has a lot to do with it. It's one of the most dangerous roads in Logan. It's a boundary round between Brisbane and Logan city. We've asked before and keep getting knocked back."

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