
Thursday 31 May 2007

Shipowners take MUA to court - IR BATTLEGROUND, The Australian, 31 May, 2007. Picture Graham Crouch.

Shipowners take MUA to court - IR BATTLEGROUND: [1 All-round Country Edition]

John Stapleton, Tracy OngThe Australian [Canberra, A.C.T] 31 May 2007: 2.
Mr Sorensen said the ship used automated equipment to unload cargo and all that was stopping the crew unloading was the refusal of the MUA to move a hopper a few metres to connect with their own equipment. He said the crew were used to unloading cargo using automated equipment and were compensated through their employment contracts.
Unionists claimed yesterday they would not budge until they won the fight. Chairs were set across the entrance to the dock and picketers waved placards including "Save Our Ships" and "Aussie Ships, Aussie Jobs, No Ships of Shame".
A spokeswoman for Workplace Relations Minister Joe Hockey said any claim that the Government had somehow orchestrated the dispute was "not just farcical" but "another stunt in the unions' $100 million scare campaign against the Government's industrial relations reforms".

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