
Tuesday 24 July 2007

Jessica's happy, but it's not all good news for Seven, The Australian, 24 July, 2007.

Jessica's happy, but it's not all good news for Seven: [2 All-round First Edition]

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"The fact is, she's not pushing anyone aside," Mr [Peter Meakin] said of [Jessica Rowe]. "If there are any complaints, I haven't heard them, and there's no cause for complaint because she's not taking anyone's job. She's only going to be doing it part-time, she wants to ease back into it."
Mr Meakin admitted [Ian Ross]'s contract had yet to be renewed. "Ian is under contract until the end of the year, and we want him to stay with the network and we'll be negotiating with him really soon," he said. "Jessica hasn't been slated for that 6pm role. We are well aware of the fact other people on our staff will have ambitions when Ian retires. There's no need to think Jessica jumped the queue."

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