
Thursday 20 March 2008

Tearful leader thanks hospital, The Australian, 20 March, 2008.

Tearful leader thanks hospital

Stapleton, JohnThe Australian [Canberra, A.C.T] 20 Mar 2008: 2.
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He recalled bleeding heavily and being fully conscious after the shooting as he was taken in "a very old battered ambulance" to anAustralian field hospital in Dili.
"I remember every detail from the moment I was shot," he said. "On the way to the heliport I fell off the chair a few times because there were no belts. I remember, even though I was bleeding, I was holding on tight. And I was telling the driver, `Go slow'. But maybe he was wise because it was only a matter of minutes for me to arrive there.
He also paid tribute to the staff of the Australian field hospital where he was first taken in East Timor, and then to all the staff in [Darwin], from the doctors to the cleaners. Asked if he had a message for his country, he said: "Please forgo violence and hatred with weapons, machetes, with arson -- we only destroy each other and the country."

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