
Saturday 5 April 2008

Jones to pay for Coates remarks, Weekend Australian, 5 April, 2008.

Jones to pay for Coates remarks

Stapleton, JohnWeekend Australian [Canberra, A.C.T] 05 Apr 2008: 3.
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Justice [Michael Adams] said the claims that Mr [John Coates] had attempted to cover up matters by bullying the athletes were "patently false" and could not survive "even a cursory examination".
He concluded that his judgment should go some way towards reversing the harm done to Mr Coates's reputation. But because it was unrealistic to assume his judgment would be widely read "a substantial sum must be rewarded" so the wrongs done against Mr Coates should be rectified "to the extent that money can do this".
"It is a pity John Coates had to come all the way to the Supreme Court to be vindicated," he said. "Mr [Alan Jones] let his personal feelings towards Mr Coates cloud his personal judgment. This brings into question Alan Jones's role as a responsible broadcaster. It brings into question his credibility."

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