
Saturday 29 November 2008

Cold snap fails to cool protagonists of global warming, Weekend Australian, 29 November, 2008.

I got more hate mail over this story than virtually anything I've ever written. Go figure. It was pretty straight reportage.
I got asked into  one of the senior editor's office and told to write this story; which as a loyal soldier I did.
They stayed well clear of the Science Writer, who would not comply.

Cold snap fails to cool protagonists of global warming

Stapleton, JohnWeekend Australian [Canberra, A.C.T] 29 Nov 2008: 4.
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This week the CSIRO suggested the exact opposite. "The new study suggests that Southern Ocean currents, and therefore the Southern Ocean's ability to soak up carbon dioxide, have not changed in recent decades," it said. This time the story got no coverage in the SMH, and was run on the ABC's website as evidence the Southern Ocean was adapting to climate change.
ABC board member Keith Windschuttle said yesterday the national broadcaster was in breach of its charter to provide a diversity of views. "The ABC and the Fairfax press rarely provide an opportunity for global warming sceptics to put their view," Mr Windschuttle said. "The science is not settled.

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