Monday, 25 March 2002

Teen crime taken by force, The Australian, 25 March, 2002.

Teen crime taken by force: [1 Edition]

Martin Chulov, John StapletonThe Australian; Canberra, A.C.T. [Canberra, A.C.T] 25 Mar 2002: 4.
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Alleged incidents causing concern include the firebombing of a deputy principal's car, a student bringing a 9mm handgun to school and the alleged recruitment of students into a Red Dragon gang, one of several offshoots of the notorious 5T crime group.
Twelve months ago former detective Tim Priest told the NSW Parliament gangs had infiltrated southwestern Sydney schools. There are new claims that local high schools are being held to ransom by gangs.

Women soon to be fertile into 50s, The Australian, 25 March, 2002.

Elites At Play, The Tenth Family Law Conference, with Barry Williams, Dads On The Air, 25 March, 2002.

Monday, 18 March 2002

Priests make sex confessions, The Australian, 18 March, 2002

Priests make sex confessions: [2 Edition]

Stapleton, JohnThe Australian [Canberra, A.C.T] 18 Mar 2002: 3.
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The study by Anthony Cumming, a priest and psychologist, surveyed 93 male clergy from two Australian metropolitan dioceses.

Minister for Children Attacks Fathers, Dads On The Air, 18 March, 2002.

Wednesday, 13 March 2002

Fight against intolerance the theme of Kirby's life, The Australian, 13 March, 2002.

Fight against intolerance the theme of Kirby's life: [2 Edition]

Stapleton, JohnThe Australian [Canberra, A.C.T] 13 Mar 2002: 2.
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JUSTICE Michael Kirby, who will turn 63 on Monday, is an Australian judge with a reputation for activism.
In an unprecedented move last year, John Howard condemned Justice Kirby for intervening in the debate over public versus private school funding.
Justice Kirby raised many eyebrows when in 1998 he "outed" himself by listing his partner of more than 30 years, Johan van Vloten, in Who's Who in Australia.

Friday, 8 March 2002

Producers hope for rural policy shift, The Australian, 8 March, 2002.

Producers hope for rural policy shift: [1 Edition]

Stapleton, JohnThe Australian [Canberra, A.C.T] 08 Mar 2002: 2.
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"If the approach [John Anderson] has outlined was adopted, it would unleash an era of co-operation and volunteerism from farmers that would significantly and rapidly improve the sustainability of natural resource management in Australia," he said. "JohnAnderson's statements today are the best news farmers have had for decades from governments on environmental policy. Mr Anderson has highlighted the inequity and ineffectiveness of government environmental policies that simply rely on regulation, with no consideration of the social and economic costs to regional communities."
Queensland Farmers Federation executive director Brianna Casey echoed NSW Farmers, and said Mr Anderson's approach was a fundamental shift forward in management of natural resources.

Tuesday, 5 March 2002

Emotions take flight at staff farewell parties, The Australian, 5 March, 2002.

Emotions take flight at staff farewell parties: [2 Edition]

Nicole Strahan, John StapletonThe Australian [Canberra, A.C.T] 05 Mar 2002: 6.
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In Melbourne, amid chants of "Ansett, Ansett, Ansett", hugs to long-time friends and autographing of each others' uniforms, more than 1000 workers farewelled a part of Australian history.
There were similar tearful scenes in Sydney, as hundreds gathered at the Ansett terminal. Shortly after 9pm, as one of the last Ansett flights to leave Sydney taxied on to the tarmac, Ansett workers spontaneously gathered at a balcony overlooking the airport and began singing: "Leaving, on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again."